Sunday, January 1, 2012

How to make money playing Diablo3 RMAH

How to make money playing Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House

Hey guys, long time I haven't been posting. This also might be one of my last post since Diablo 3 is getting out soon and I'm working on a new website How to make money playing DIablo 3 RMAH.

The website is for the biggest part a blog, but there's also a forum and and I might add more over the course of time, I'm putting a lot of time in developing it and making it as good as I can !! The main goal of the blog is to teach people how to make money in DIablo 3 using the real money auction house. I'm doing it for 2 reasons: I like blogging, I like teaching people and I like playing Diablo 3. AIght, this is 3 but what ever.

In the first month of Diablo 3, in order to make money you must sell the biggest quantity of stuff you can. You keep your supplies as low as possible and so you level your artisans as less as possible, just enough make the crap necessary to survive and kill rapidly. Since we don't really know the price of items, we can't barely use really the auction house yet. We can, but really only to sell. For the first month I don't really believe that you can buy/sell stuff and really make money unless you find every seconds huge deals, but prices will go down so fast. By the time you put stuff back to sell there's already gonna be some one to undercut you or some one to buy you depending on what you sell. I.e: pages/tomes, crafting aterials will be worth a truckload, if you see some under priced, don't be nervous, buy them and re sell them, but you have to take care, there's a cooldown timer before you can post back. At this point, you have to understand the market cycles to understand when it's the best time to buy and resell even if the market is going down real fast. A real tip right there: On Friday night and late night people will farm crazy and put a lots of stuff for sell then they'll all go to bed. What you can do is to buy undercut items late night and re sell them saturday afternoon or in the evening when people buy stuffs to go farm or level. that's what cycles are about in short words. Soon I'll be making a post about how to make money using the market cycles in the First month of Diablo 3


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