Monday, September 14, 2009

Why is Diablo 2 patch 1.13 download taking so long?

Diablo 2 Patch 1.13 Download - Part 2

Once again, Blizzard keep making us to wait. After all, what they have to care about us small kid waiting to play a game instead of getting friends and playing outside? uhhh. Blizzard entertainement is a company with the only goal of making money. They are good at this. But I'd like to surround a point? What is making the more money? Diablo 2 and Diablo 2:LoD which aren't making money since 2005 and less or a new game called Diablo 3 which is waited by far now by a community of 2 or 3 millions of player. This is ugly to hear uh? Yeap but the matter is blizzard is having recently problem with different thing as Starcraft Ghost has never been released which took place instead of Diablo 3 and the "Warcraft III Custom Map Security Warning" issue. They aren't the only problem they had to took off, but they are 2 that interest me.

For our purpose of the day, why is Diablo 2 patch 1.13 download taking so long? It this because the team ,which was working on the patch 1.13, had to turn off the monitor and get back to work on the warcraft 3 map issue. I suggest you guys to visit for more information about the w3 issue. The matter is, they quit working on the patch 1.13 download to work on warcraft 3. They were close to about 2 weeks to release diablo 2 patch 1.13 download, but don't worry, it is very close. Wc3 Is on the PTR (public test realm) so then the patch 1.13 will be and finnaly will get release.


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